package top.octopusyan.http; import okhttp3.OkHttpClient; import top.octopusyan.http.config.ILogStrategy; import top.octopusyan.http.request.IRequestHandler; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; /** * @author : octopus yan * @email : * @description : http 设置 * @create : 2022-4-1 15:44 */ public class HttpConfig { private static volatile HttpConfig sConfig; /** 服务器地址 */ private String serverPath; /** 请求处理器 */ private IRequestHandler mHandler; /** 日志打印策略 */ private ILogStrategy mLogStrategy; /** OkHttp 客户端 */ private OkHttpClient mClient; /** 通用参数 */ private HashMap mParams; /** 通用请求头 */ private HashMap mHeaders; /** 日志开关 */ private boolean mLogEnabled = true; /** 日志 TAG */ private String mLogTag = "EasyHttp"; /** 重试次数 */ private int mRetryCount; /** 重试时间 */ private long mRetryTime = 2000; private HttpConfig(OkHttpClient client) { mClient = client; mParams = new HashMap<>(); mHeaders = new HashMap<>(); } private HttpConfig() { mParams = new HashMap<>(); mHeaders = new HashMap<>(); initHttpClient(); } public static HttpConfig getInstance() { if (sConfig == null) { // 当前没有初始化配置 throw new IllegalStateException("You haven't initialized the configuration yet"); } return sConfig; } private static void setInstance(HttpConfig config) { sConfig = config; } public static HttpConfig with(OkHttpClient client) { return new HttpConfig(client); } /** * 无参初始化 默认配置生成 okhttpclient */ public static HttpConfig init() { return new HttpConfig(); } public HttpConfig setParams(HashMap params) { if (params == null) { params = new HashMap<>(); } mParams = params; return this; } public HttpConfig setHeaders(HashMap headers) { if (headers == null) { headers = new HashMap<>(); } mHeaders = headers; return this; } public HashMap getParams() { return mParams; } public HashMap getHeaders() { return mHeaders; } public HttpConfig addHeader(String key, String value) { if (key != null && value != null) { mHeaders.put(key, value); } return this; } public HttpConfig addParam(String key, String value) { if (key != null && value != null) { mParams.put(key, value); } return this; } public OkHttpClient getClient() { return mClient; } public HttpConfig setLogStrategy(ILogStrategy strategy) { mLogStrategy = strategy; return this; } public HttpConfig setLogEnabled(boolean enabled) { mLogEnabled = enabled; return this; } public HttpConfig setLogTag(String tag) { mLogTag = tag; return this; } public HttpConfig setHandler(IRequestHandler mHandler) { this.mHandler = mHandler; return this; } public HttpConfig setRetryCount(int count) { if (count < 0) { // 重试次数必须大于等于 0 次 throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of retries must be greater than 0"); } mRetryCount = count; return this; } public HttpConfig serverPath(String serverPath) { this.serverPath = serverPath; return this; } public HttpConfig setRetryTime(long time) { if (time < 0) { // 重试时间必须大于等于 0 毫秒 throw new IllegalArgumentException("The retry time must be greater than 0"); } mRetryTime = time; return this; } public ILogStrategy getLogStrategy() { return mLogStrategy; } public boolean isLogEnabled() { return mLogEnabled && mLogStrategy != null; } public String getLogTag() { return mLogTag; } public int getRetryCount() { return mRetryCount; } public long getRetryTime() { return mRetryTime; } public String getServerPath() { return serverPath; } public IRequestHandler getHandler() { return mHandler; } public void into() { if (mClient == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The OkHttp client object cannot be empty"); try { // 校验主机和路径的 url 是否合法 new URL(serverPath); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The configured host path url address is not correct"); } HttpConfig.setInstance(this); } private void initHttpClient() { } }